Orbit.Love App
tech community growth platform
tech community growth platform
Create integrations with external data sources (Github, Linkedin, Reddit, Stack Overflow, DEV, Twitter, ...), collect data from them, aggregate them and display them in a form convenient for Orbit users: timelines, charts with filters, reports.
Familiarize yourself with each of the external data sources, create connector objects depending on the capabilities of the external system (someone, for example Github, can send requests to Orbit to update information on their own, someone, apparently everyone else, cannot and you have to pull them on a periodic basis on their own), determine what form the final data will have in the Orbit application and set the rules for transforming data from external systems into Orbit objects.
A system in which each user has the ability to import data from 9 platforms into their Orbit workspace: Twitter, Github, Slack, Discord, Discourse, Linkedin, Reddit, Stack Overflow, DEV. Based on this imported data, Orbit user workspace creates (manually or automatically, during data import) members of this space, where each member of the workspace is assigned accounts of one or more platforms integrated with the workspace. Various user actions in these external platforms are imported into the Orbit workspace as user activities (for example, opening a Pull Request on Github or a new post on Twitter).
The result is a system in which the Orbit user gets the opportunity to observe the activities of the person he is interested in on various platforms, collected in one place, relatively convenient for this user — the Orbit application.
“They bring a lot of deep Rails and architecture experience to the table.”
Josh Dzielak
Co-Founder & CTO, OrbitRuby
Ruby on Rails
JetRockets’ team was an extension to Orbit’s internal team.