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Welcome to JetRockets FAQ Page

At JetRockets, we understand that embarking on a journey of custom software development and technical innovation can raise a multitude of questions. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive FAQ section to provide you with answers and insights into our services, capabilities, and processes. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, then feel free to ask us directly via contact form.

What exactly do you do?

JetRockets is a New York-based software development company that builds custom web/mobile apps for businesses of all sizes.

JetRockets specializes in a range of services, including:

  • Custom Web and Mobile Application Development
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development
  • Product & UI/UX Design
  • Fractional Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Services
  • Technical Audit & Project Rescue

You can learn more about the services that we offer on the Services page.

What technologies and programming languages do you utilize in your work?

Our experts possess a wide range of skills, enabling us to offer our customers the best solutions to achieve their goals. Technologies we have vast expertise in include:

  • Front-end: JavaScript, React.js, Angular, SvelteJS, Turbo, HotWire
  • Back-end: Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Python
  • Mobile: React Native, Flutter, iOS (Swift)
  • Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Firebase
  • Cloud Platforms: AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, Digital Ocean

You can learn more about the services that we offer on the Services page.

Do you have experience building API integrations with 3rd party services?

Over the years, we have honed our expertise in diverse integration types, including Legacy system integration, Enterprise application integration (EAI), Third-party system integration, and Business-to-business integration.

We possess an in-depth understanding of integrating various services via APIs and Webhooks. Some notable integrations we have successfully accomplished include: OpenAI API, Ebay API, Stripe, Zoom, Paypal, Plaid, Synctera, Nutrionix, Slack, Github, Linkedin, Reddit, Stack Overflow, Health Gorilla, Change Healthcare, Ribbon Health, and Ravkoo, HubSpot, Calendly, Webex, Discord, Twitter, DEV (, YouTube, Asana, Sendbird, Zillow, Twillio, Docusign, Worldox, DeepL, Google translate, MailGun, AppSignal,, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, to name just a few. The list goes on, demonstrating our ability to work with a broad spectrum of services.

How do I request a consultation or get started with a project at JetRockets?

To request a consultation or learn more about our services, simply visit our "Contact Us" page on the website, fill out the form, and our Business Growth team will get back to you promptly (usually within a few hours). You can also reach out to us directly via email

At JetRockets, we're committed to delivering exceptional software solutions and technical expertise to help your business thrive. Our FAQ page is just the beginning – we're here to guide you through every step of your digital transformation journey.

What information do you need from me to start work?

Share the details of your project – like scope, timeframes, wireframes and mockups, or business challenges you’d like to solve. If you are unclear about the roadmap, please feel free to let us know, and we will share our Client Intake Questionnaire that you could use as a guideline.

Can JetRockets help with startups and new business ideas?

Absolutely! Our MVP Builder service is tailored to startups and entrepreneurs looking to validate their business ideas quickly and efficiently. We can help you build a minimum viable product that demonstrates your concept's core features and value proposition.

How long does software development take?

We cannot possibly answer this question precisely because there are projects finished in 1 to 3 months, but there are also tasks that take several years to complete. To provide you with a precise answer, we have to evaluate the project complexity and the scope of work. Knowing this information, we can provide you with the estimated time frame.

How much will the JetRockets developers’ work cost?

All projects are calculated based on a so-called bundled hourly rate of $80 per developer with a base of 160 hours per month per developer. A bundled rate is set for each JetRockets developer. You are only charged for a developer’s time, which includes ⅓ time of a QA engineer, ¼ time of a DevOps specialist, and a Project Manager. We also have a team of Designers who can be added at an extra cost of $80 per hour.

We offer 3 different partnership models: Fixed Price Project, Monthly Retainer, Time&Material. To learn more about our partnership models, please contact our Business Growth Department at

What is the minimum budget and the project size you are willing to work with?

The minimum budget you can start with is $25,600. Over the years, our portfolio has been enriched with both large enterprise solutions and apps designed to implement single-person ideas. The project size is not that important to us, but its benefits and ability to solve specific problems are.

Are there hidden costs with custom software design services?

There are no hidden costs. You pay for the development of the system, professional hosting on the cloud with either AWS or Azure, and any other 3rd party services that are involved in your project. There are no other costs involved.

Should I be familiar with the technical details to work with you?

There is absolutely no need for this. After all, you do not have to know medical nuances when seeking a dentist’s services. You do not have to be an expert in software development because, actually, we are. We are ready to explain to you all the unclear moments and the essence of all stages while working on the project.

On your part, all you need is a clear vision of what objectives you want to achieve using the desired software product. Therefore, you just have to focus on your needs, and we will help you make them a reality.

How do you guarantee the product quality?

We work in a short iteration mode (typically bi-weekly sprints) and always test the work results, taking into account all customer preferences and the target audience reaction. This approach allows us to provide our customers with high-quality products, observing the specified deadlines. Quality is our top priority.

Do you provide product support services after the app development is complete?

Yes, we are always glad to provide technical support and service to the apps we have developed. We can also further develop your software product if you need to implement new features or integrate third-party services.

I need an app for iOS and Android. Which platform is better to start with?

Which platform you should choose depends solely on the future application idea as well as its target audience. Each platform has its own monetization model. Apple users spend more money on paid apps and in-app purchases.

If the goal is direct monetization, then iOS should be chosen. There are more Android users; however, they are less likely to pay for app installation and prefer free applications. The more downloads, the more expensive the advertising is in the application. Android should be chosen if the goal is managing user attention.

We highly recommend starting with only one platform or building a cross-platform application. This will speed up the launching of the project and help to assess its weaknesses and make any necessary changes. This will save you money and time.

Will you be able to increase the number of people in your team if necessary?

If you wish to partly reduce the project work intensity or, on the contrary, to increase it at times, we are always ready to adapt to your needs. When necessary, we will easily involve more team members in your project to meet your expectations.

What methodologies do you use in your work?

The main methodology we use in our work is Agile, although the choice may depend on a particular project. An iterative approach to the work on the project provides us with the opportunity to regularly improve the product quality, and also constant customer feedback.

How long do I have to wait before the work on my project starts? Typically, it takes about two weeks to start cooperating on the project. However, it depends on the project features and the number of people involved in it.

Can you make changes to a product that other developers have already started?

Yes, we can. Our software engineers are well versed in various technologies and will practically always be able to continue the product started by some other team.

How does the project work process take place?

Each project is unique and requires a customized approach, but most of the development stages are relevant to all of them. However, the very process of their implementation may differ somewhat. We recommend you read more about our work processes on our website. We have got an idea, but we would like to verify it. What shall we do in this case? It does not always make sense to invest all your time and budget resources for the immediate launch of a large project. The trouble is that the project may fail to meet the actual market needs. Therefore, if you have an idea, but you are not entirely sure of it, we recommend you test the concept with an MVP development.

Will you sign an NDA?

Yes, sure. If you want to sign an NDA, we are always ready to do so.

Who owns the software that you write for me?

From the moment we begin the project, we will support you (if needed) in registering a code repository and hosting any other 3rd party services under your name and credentials. Once the project is completed, you own everything that is necessary to build, maintain, or extend the software, such as “executable” files, scripts, project files, source code, etc.

If you have any questions you can’t find the answers to on this page, or you are eager to discuss the project details before starting our cooperation, just contact us, and we will gladly answer all your questions.

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