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JetRockets Report: Leadership Lens on Diversity in Tech

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Tech people
The global tech landscape has historically been a melting pot of ideas. Yet, diversity, a crucial element in fostering creativity, has often been sidelined. This is not a new dilemma, and has been the subject of much analysis and debate. However, many of these discussions do not offer clear insights into the leadership's perspective. This report deviates from that norm, providing a unique lens by specifically examining diversity in tech through the viewpoints of leaders.

To do so, JetRockets reached out to 350 CIOs & CTOs to gather firsthand insights, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of the situation at the helm. By doing so, we aim to shed light on the challenges and opportunities these leaders face in addressing diversity within their organizations and the broader tech ecosystem.

The Current Landscape: Gaps, Innovation, and Challenges

Innovation thrives on diversity, and there's plenty of evidence to support this. A report from Boston Consulting Group found that companies with more diverse management teams have 19% higher revenues due to its impact on innovation, underscoring the fact that diversity isn’t just a matter of fairness—it’s a strategic advantage.
Reports and woman
Reports and woman
When we asked CIOs and CTOs for their experiences working within a diverse workplace, their sentiments were overwhelmingly positive. 83% went as far as to say that the diversity of their team is responsible for improving problem-solving within their organization. Additionally, nearly three-quarters (73%) note team dynamics and collaboration are better when working on a team with balanced gender representation. 
Woman And Creation
Woman And Creation
The impact of diversity can be felt externally, too, which is, of course, key in an industry under constant pressure to produce quality products. CIOs and CTOs were asked if they noticed a difference in the approach to user-centric design and development between women and men on their teams. 38% asserted that women tend to focus more on user-centric solutions compared to 27% of men.

These statistics showcase diversity’s contributions to a company's ability to address complex challenges, make informed decisions, and respond effectively to a dynamic business landscape. However, despite the clear benefits that diversity offers, there is a persistent gap between its potential and the current reality in many organizations. 

While 50% of tech leaders perceive their organization's representation of women and minorities as better than the industry norm, the data reveals that less than 20% of organizations have achieved gender parity in their leadership roles.

Unfortunately, it appears the broader tech industry is in a state of inertia, making only incremental progress in terms of diversity. This implies that the pace of change is slower than desired or necessary, and there are persistent challenges that hinder more significant strides toward creating inclusive and diverse workplaces.

Missed Opportunities in Recruiting and Retention

The tech industry’s struggles with recruitment and retention are also indicative of its diversity challenges. At the forefront of these challenges, a glaring 37% of tech leaders say that there is a limited availability of diverse candidates. But is the tech industry's talent pool truly limited, or is it a reflection of deeper systemic issues? This is certainly an important question to consider, as society as a whole makes a concerted effort to understand and address the historically limited access to education, opportunities, and representation for underrepresented groups.
Smiling woman
Smiling woman
Alarmingly, 25% of CIOs and CTOs also confess to unconscious biases impacting their recruitment processes. And while diversity in leadership is a clear call of our times, a significant 29% admit that their leadership lacks the very diversity they seek to champion.

Retention tells a similar story of missed opportunities and systemic challenges. A significant 46% of leaders have pointed to the lack of career development opportunities as the chief obstacle to retaining diverse talent. Such figures prompt a pressing question: Is the tech industry merely recruiting for optics without a genuine commitment to nurturing its talent? 

But beyond retention, the industry grapples with deeper questions about the role of diversity in recruitment and promotion. The diversity vs. meritocracy debate, in particular, reflects the complex nature of discussions surrounding diversity. Our survey uncovered varying opinions on the topic, highlighting some tension within the industry.
Woman in tech
Woman in tech
When we asked tech leaders about the potential conflict between diversity and merit, 23% said they believe that diversity should always be the priority, even if it compromises merit. However, 41% feel that while diversity is essential, it shouldn't come at the cost of merit. Meanwhile, 15% stood firm on the belief that merit should always take precedence, even if it means compromising on diversity.

These numbers underscore the nuances of the diversity debate, especially when juxtaposed with the argument for meritocracy. Yet, as the tech industry searches for a balanced approach, there's a growing call for more tangible measures. Exactly two-thirds of tech leaders support the implementation of diversity quotas to ensure representation. While 19% remain neutral and 10% oppose quotas, the majority's support indicates that the industry recognizes the need for proactive measures to drive diversity.
People on chairs
People on chairs

Actionable Steps: A Call to Tech Leaders

The data is clear, and the message is undeniable: the tech industry's approach to diversity is at a crucial inflection point. Tech leaders must recognize that their commitment to diversity, or lack thereof, is not just a reflection of their organizational values, but of the very future of innovation in the industry. 

Here are the steps that must be taken to close the diversity gap in tech.

Prioritize Diversity from the Top Down: Diversity isn't just a lower-tier initiative -- it needs to start at the top.  Leadership teams have a profound influence on an organization's culture, values, and decision-making processes. By actively promoting and hiring individuals from diverse backgrounds into leadership roles, tech organizations send a clear message that diversity is not merely a box to tick but a core element of their strategic vision.

This also addresses the false dichotomy that diversity and meritocracy are mutually exclusive. Diverse teams inherently bring a richness of perspectives, enhancing problem-solving and creativity, making organizations better equipped to understand and address complex, multifaceted challenges. 

Redefine Recruitment and Retention: The argument of a "limited pool" of diverse candidates is outdated. To infuse diversity into the workforce, organizations should expand their recruitment horizons and employ more proactive strategies. For example, they can partner with educational institutions that have a diverse student population, including historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), women's colleges, and institutions known for their diversity initiatives. 

Implementing outreach programs is another essential step. Tech organizations can actively engage with underrepresented communities through events, workshops, and internships, as is actively creating a work environment that nurtures and retains diverse talent. This means offering more than just career opportunities - it means fostering a culture of inclusivity, mentorship, and growth. The talent is out there -- it's the approaches that need to evolve.

Combat Unconscious Bias with Transparency: Recognizing unconscious bias is the first step, but acting against it is what counts. Tech leaders should make comprehensive bias training mandatory for all employees. These continuous programs aim to raise awareness about unconscious bias and educate individuals on strategies to mitigate its effects. 

Beyond this, tech companies should be transparent, publicly sharing their diversity statistics and initiatives. This not only holds them accountable but signals a commitment to change. In the same vein, Tech leaders need to assume responsibility and hold themselves and their organizations accountable for addressing unconscious bias. This means being vocal advocates for addressing unconscious bias and actively participating in training and initiatives to set an example for the rest of the organization.

Embrace Quotas, Responsibly: Quotas, while contentious, can serve as an effective interim measure to boost diversity. Implemented with care, they don't compromise on quality but rather ensure that recruitment processes cast a wider net. Over time, as diversity becomes more ingrained in the organization's culture, the need for quotas may diminish. The key is to use quotas as a catalyst for change and then adapt as the organization evolves.

A Call to Tech Leaders: Champion Diversity for a Lasting Impact

The tech industry stands at a pivotal moment, facing critical challenges and opportunities in the realm of diversity and inclusion. The steps outlined here represent a roadmap for tech leaders to not only acknowledge the pressing need for diversity but to take meaningful, actionable measures that can shape a more innovative, equitable, and inclusive future.

It’s important to remember, though, that the journey to a more diverse and inclusive tech sector is a continuous one, and it requires commitment, adaptability, and unwavering dedication. Tech leaders must understand that their actions today will shape the future of the industry, influencing not only the products and services it delivers but also the opportunities it provides to individuals from all walks of life.

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