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Command for create zip archive without gem's 📁

class CreateZipCommand

  def call(files)

    # Create temp directory for files 

    tmp_dir = Dir.mktmpdir

    tmp_zip_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "")

    # Move files to the temporary folder you created above do |file|

      download_file(file, tmp_dir)


    # Go to the folder and archive the entire contents

    `cd #{tmp_dir} && zip #{tmp_zip_path} ./*`

    # Return zip path





=> "/var/folders/bk/0c864z710654sx555jpdpx9c0000gn/T/d20190126-7447-d27fpl/")

Most gems for working with archives eat a lot of memory when working with large files. This solution does not have these problems.

Make sure that the zip utility is installed on your computer - it don't work without it

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