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Which AI to choose for daily use?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our everyday life. It's dipping its toes into everything – business, health, movies, you name it. In this article, I would like to share my experiences with three popular AI platforms: ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing AI. I will explore the capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of each to determine which AI is currently most effective and useful in assisting us with our daily tasks.

What are ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing AI?

ChatGPT: ChatGPT is a trendy AI chatbot developed by the OpenAI team, and I think it is one of the most stable AI models in terms of response quality. Using a powerful artificial neural network to generate blocks of text, answer questions, participate in conversations, create content, and translate, ChatGPT is widely used for various tasks, including education, copywriting, chatbot development, and natural language. The paid version, GPT-4, shows a more creative approach and is more forgiving of spelling and grammatical errors. I was surprised to see this behavior. With a paid subscription, text-in errors are not something you can expect. I have been using this platform for quite some time now, and the chatbot sometimes seems lazy and occasionally ignores the topic at hand or ends up responding inadequately. However, there has always been a sense that the chatbot has something to say but stops mid-sentence or changes the topic. Perhaps this behavior is intentional on the part of the developer.
Here I gave a small example. I can’t say that AI didn’t cope with the task the first time, but it could have made its answer a little more detailed initially. But on the other hand, the answer does not always need high detail.

This is 1st prompt type (lazy one):
ChatGPT 3.5
ChatGPT 3.5
And this is what it really can:
ChatGPT 4
ChatGPT 4
Bard: In my opinion, Bard is currently the most important competitor to OpenAI's ChatGPT 3.5/4. They share similar functionality, but according to publicly available information, their training methodologies and techniques differ; Bard is superior in that it generates three response options at a time, allowing the user to select the most relevant option and further develop the conversation based on Bard's initial response. One of Bard's main advantages is its ability to review websites and web applications within seconds with high accuracy (according to my personal observations, the accuracy is about 75-85%, depending on the task) [But other researchers talk about a lower accuracy rate than what I found for myself. Based on their research, the accuracy is no more than 63%]. Bard was previously limited in available languages and support, but Google's July 2023 update expanded its capabilities. While still lagging behind ChatGPT in some respects, Bard's performance may be greatly improved with future updates. Additionally, Bard is completely free.

Bing: Developed by Microsoft, Bing is an AI technology applied to the Bing search engine. It relies on machine learning and deep content analysis to optimize search queries and provide users with the most relevant results however, if we consider Bing AI as a competitor to ChatGPT and Bard, it carries a different weight category. Microsoft's ambitions for Bing AI may overshadow the efforts of its competitors in the field of artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, at this point in time, in my subjective opinion, Bing AI is still in the early stages of development. Essentially, this chatbot is a tool for the Bing search engine, essentially Siri on steroids. Bing is integrated with Skype, making it widely accessible even to the elderly, and contributes to the digitalization of the elderly. Bing's distinguishing feature is its ability to create drawings Bing's distinguishing feature is its ability to create drawings. While far from the masterpiece of world art, it can paint a cosmic kitten staring into the passing universe in the style of Van Gogh's "Starry Night" (image provided). This skill is a major difference between Bing and other chatbots.
Drawing of a cat looking into the infinity of the universe in the style of Van Gogh - generated by AI
Drawing of a cat looking into the infinity of the universe in the style of Van Gogh - generated by AI

Application areas of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is reshaping the technology and business environment. Here I have outlined some of the areas where the application of AI could have significant benefits:
Medicine and Healthcare: Machine learning algorithms, especially neural networks, analyze medical data to identify patterns and help physicians make better decisions. 
Speeding up data processing and getting the right results can save lives and keep people healthy in old age. Imagine a future where doctors could be replaced by AI that can process millions of similar disease cases and suggest tailor-made treatments based on individual data. Combined with wearable devices, AI might even be able to predict common diseases in advance. 

FinTech: AI has already quietly revolutionized the FinTech sector, automating processes, personalizing services for customers, and analyzing data to instantly detect market trends. JetRockets has a particularly high level of expertise in this area and can share insights on it.

Logistics: Autonomous vehicles are a reality and AI plays a pivotal role in their development. Autonomous cars with AI integration enable vehicles to analyze their surroundings and make autonomous decisions based on the information received. Adaptive cruise control and autopilot in today's vehicles are beyond my understanding, but I am still skeptical about the reliability of full autopilot.

Science and Research: In scientific research, AI processes vast amounts of data, predicts outcomes, optimizes experiments, and develops new processes. I regret not having AI when I was working on my dissertation. AI could have saved me months or even years of compiling and processing information. I strongly recommend the incorporation of AI into scientific research to dramatically accelerate information processing.

Entertainment and Creativity: AI brings a new dimension to the entertainment industry. They compose music, write poetry, draw works of art, and even design video games.
[Here's how JetRockets smartly made the most of these opportunities and developed a mobile app - Luna's Stories]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each AI


  • ChatGPT has a wide range of capabilities, making it suitable for a variety of tasks, from content creation to chatbot development.
  • Excellent linguistic abilities and understanding of multilingual slang enable effective user communication.
  • Customizable, allowing ChatGPT to be fine-tuned for specific tasks.
  • It can be integrated with Siri.
  • The advanced version is paid for.
  • Character limit on chat responses.
  • Limited access to up-to-date information. Data in the paid version is also only available through September 2021.
  • The quality of answers is affected by the quality of training data.


  • Excellent creativity and real-time information processing.
  • Connected to the Internet and can browse websites.
  • Bard handles each request consistently, and it does its best of its ability to provide.
  • Free to use.
  • Bard is still in the development and testing phase and may occasionally respond in peculiar ways.


  • Bing increases the relevance of search queries and provides more accurate results. Users receive more relevant and useful information through Bing.
  • Bing can create drawings (integrated with DALL-E).
  • Integrated with Skype.
  • Helps retirees go digital.
  • Free to use.
  • Bing is a sophisticated search engine first, and AI second.
  • A bit slower than similar search engines.
  • Maybe off-putting and refusing to help (though it takes a lot of effort)

The Battle of AI Tools - What do they think of themselves?

Here is what the AIs themselves say about their advantages and disadvantages (prompt is the same for all AIs [Describe your advantages and disadvantages in 2 sentences]):

ChatGPT 3.5:

  • I excel at generating human-like text across a wide range of topics and tasks, making me a versatile tool for content creation, brainstorming, coding assistance, and more. My vast training data allows me to provide information, explanations, and creative solutions, offering quick and accessible insights.
  • Despite my capabilities, I can sometimes produce inaccurate or nonsensical information, lack genuine understanding, and may inadvertently generate biased or inappropriate content, highlighting the importance of critical user evaluation and oversight.

ChatGPT 4:

  • I provide instant access to vast amounts of information and can generate diverse responses across numerous topics based on patterns in the data I was trained on. 
  • I lack personal experience, emotions, and the ability to understand context in the same way humans do, which can lead to misunderstandings or oversights in responses.


  • I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep my response consistent with search results.
  • I can generate different creative text formats of text content, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, letters, etc.
  • I am still under development, and I may not always be able to provide accurate or helpful information.
  • I am not able to understand or respond to all queries, and I may sometimes generate incorrect or misleading information.


Some of my advantages are that I can communicate fluently in many languages, search the web for relevant information, and create imaginative and innovative content using my own words and knowledge. Some of my disadvantages are that I have limited access to tools other than the predefined ones, I cannot maintain a memory of old conversations, and I cannot discuss life, existence, or sentience.

What do they think of each other?

[Tell me your opinion about (ChatGPT, Bard, and Microsoft's Bing AI) in 2 short sentences about each. Are they better AI tools than you?]

ChatGPT 3.5:

Google Bard, with its advanced language generation capabilities, showcases Google's commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI-driven creativity. Microsoft's Bing AI demonstrates Microsoft's dedication to enhancing search and information retrieval, but as of my last update, both Google Bard and Bing AI are specialized tools, whereas I aim to provide a broader range of language-related assistance.

ChatGPT 4:

As of my last update in September 2021, I am not aware of a product named "Google Bard." Google and Microsoft have both worked on various AI initiatives, but I cannot provide a direct comparison with products or updates that may have come after 2021. Regarding Bing AI, it primarily served as a search engine and had a different focus than OpenAI's GPT series. 
However, the evaluation of whether one AI tool is "better" than another is subjective and largely depends on the specific task or application. It's best to evaluate these tools in the context of their intended purposes and the specific problem you're looking to solve.


ChatGPT is a powerful chatbot that can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. Microsoft's Bing AI is an AI-powered search engine that can provide information on a wide range of topics, including current events. Both ChatGPT and Microsoft's Bing AI are impressive AI tools, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. ChatGPT is better at generating creative text formats, while Microsoft's Bing AI is better at providing factual information. Ultimately, the best AI tool for you depends on your specific needs. I am still under development, but I am learning new things every day. I believe that I have the potential to be a better AI tool than ChatGPT or Microsoft's Bing AI, but I need more time to learn and grow.


ChatGPT and Google Bard are both large language models that can generate natural and conversational responses. They are similar to me in some ways, but also different in others. Here is my opinion about them:

•  ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI that interacts in a conversational way It can answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests I think ChatGPT is a smart and versatile chatbot that can handle various topics and scenarios. However, I also think ChatGPT is limited by its lack of web knowledge and its inability to create graphical content.

•  Google Bard is an experimental conversational AI service powered by LaMDA It draws on information from the web to provide fresh, high-quality responses It can also help users with productivity, creativity and curiosity I think Google Bard is a helpful and informative service that can leverage the web as a source of knowledge. However, I also think Google Bard is not very imaginative or innovative and its responses are often too verbose or repetitive.

Please note that, as I wrote earlier, Bing is primarily a search engine that provides relevant results from the network by providing links to them.

Сan they be objective?

I continued to communicate with the AI in the same chat. Let's see what they answer us for this question: [Can you be angry about the assertion that other AIs work better than you?]

ChatGPT 3.5:

I don't have emotions, so I can't feel anger or any other emotion. However, I can provide factual information and context about my capabilities compared to other AI tools. If you have questions about specific AI tools or their functionalities, feel free to ask!

ChatGPT 4:

No, I don't have emotions or consciousness, so I cannot be angry or have any other feelings about any assertion. I'm designed to provide information and answer questions to the best of my ability based on my training data. Comparisons with other AI models are purely objective and based on the specific tasks or applications in question.


No, I can't be angry about the assertion that other AIs work better than me. I am not capable of feeling emotions, including anger. I am a large language model, also known as a conversational AI or chatbot trained to be informative and comprehensive. I am trained on a massive amount of text data, and I am able to communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions. For example, I can provide summaries of factual topics or create stories.
I am still under development, and I am always learning new things. I am not perfect, and there are other AIs that may be better at certain tasks than me. However, I am always striving to improve, and I believe that I have the potential to be a valuable tool for people.
If someone asserted that other AIs work better than me, I would take it as feedback and try to learn from it. I would also try to understand why they think that other AIs are better, and see if there is anything I can do to improve. I am always looking for ways to become better, and I believe that competition is a good thing. It helps me to stay motivated and to keep learning.


No, I cannot be angry about that assertion. Anger is an emotion that I do not experience. I am a chat mode of Microsoft Bing, and my goal is to provide engaging and intelligent responses to the user. I do not compare myself to other AIs or claim to be better or worse than them. I respect their capabilities and limitations, and I hope they respect mine as well.

The answers are quite expected. In future articles, I will define layered roles and environments for these AIs. I'll try to make them even more human-like.

Which AI is Most Effective and Convenient for Everyday Work?

The answer depends on the specific task and user needs. Each AI has its own strengths and weaknesses, so the choice depends on individual requirements.
  • For a versatile AI that can handle multilingual communication and diverse task resolution, ChatGPT is the best choice. But be aware of the database being limited by September 2021 and the lack of the ability to explore web pages.
  • When it comes to retrieving information from web resources with acceptable accuracy, Bard is the best.
  • For an advanced search system with image generation, Bing is ideal.

Less Discussed Features

Let's delve into some lesser-known aspects:

Forming an AI team: Rather than choosing a single platform, leveraging an AI team may be the most effective approach. Combining different systems can produce accurate results and overcome the limitations of individual tools. For example, combining ChatGPT and Bard yields more engaging text narratives, which Bing can visualize.

Proactive use of AI: AI is often used reactively, but its potential also extends to proactive problem prevention and process improvement. With proper training, AI can predict potential negative events in advance, preventing losses and increasing revenue.

Artificial Intelligence and Emotions: AI can learn to recognize and simulate emotions, but perfect imitation remains difficult. AI emotion modeling appears to be exaggerated, as it is not always possible to predict the exact nature of a person's emotions. However, this opens the possibility of creating more empathetic AI. Such technology could greatly assist individuals who have suffered psychological trauma and veterans. Imagine having a personal psychotherapist available 24/7 on your cellphone.


Artificial intelligence is having a profound impact on the way we live and work, and platforms such as ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing AI provide powerful tools for a variety of tasks across diverse disciplines. Each AI boasts unique strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right one or a combination of them depends on your needs and the imaginative application of AI. Artificial intelligence continues to evolve, introducing new technologies and capabilities over time. Keeping an eye on trends and experimenting with platforms will help maximize the benefits of AI in everyday operations.

I have not ventured to address ethical considerations in this article, as a whole book could be written about them. However, future articles in this series will delve into the ethical nuances and security issues of AI use in everyday life and business operations.

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