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Simple way to get all values from hash

In the ruby from the box, we can't find all the hash values if it's nested.

I suggest an easy way to find all the values using recursion.

Example hash:

hash = {

  a: 2,

  b: { c: 3, d: 4, e: {f: 5}}


> hash.values

=> [2, {:c=>3, :d=>4, :e=>{:f=>5}}]

That's not an option, we need all the values.

def deep_values(array = [], object:)

  object.each do |_key, value|

    if value.is_a?(Hash)

      deep_values(array, object: value)


      array << value





> deep_values(object: hash)

=> [2, 3, 4, 5]

If you run the benchmark with this data, we get the following data:

>  puts Benchmark.measure { 100_000.times { hash.values } }

=> 0.028920   0.002643   0.031563 (  0.032759)

>  puts Benchmark.measure { 100_000.times { deep_values(object: hash ) } }

=> 0.140439   0.003318   0.143757 (  0.146637)

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