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Home>Blog>Renaming keys in postgresql json / migration template for gem recorder

Renaming keys in PostgreSQL JSON / Migration template for gem Recorder

In our project, we used gem Recorder. It saves changes in jsonb format.

Once we need to rename a column in model Contact, but we didn't want to lose logs.

I introduce you template of migration for this case.

class RenameOldColumnToNewColumn < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]

  def up

    rename_column :contacts, :old_column, :new_column

    execute <<~SQL

      UPDATE recorder_revisions SET data = jsonb_set(data #- '{changes,old_column}', '{changes,new_column}', data#>'{changes,old_column}') WHERE data#>'{changes}'?'old_column';



  def down

    rename_column :contacts, :new_column, :old_column

    execute <<~SQL

      UPDATE recorder_revisions SET data = jsonb_set(data #- '{changes,new_column}', '{changes,old_column}', data#>'{changes,new_column}') WHERE data#>'{changes}'?'new_column';




You can simple replace contacts, new_column and old_column to your table name and columns names.

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