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Redirect and return in Rails controllers

Premature returning from a controller action is a common idiom in Rails applications. I asked my followers in Twitter about whether they know or know how to do this correctly, and I am glad to see that most of them gave the correct answer. Let’s dive into the details.
Before we start, I suggest you to take a look at the post, I mentioned above, to see the answers and to try to solve the problem by yourself. If, for some reason, you can’t or don’t want to do this, I created a screenshot for you.
Original Twitter post with answers
Original Twitter post with answers
Most of those who votes made the right choice. Correct answers were options 1 and 2. I usually use the first one, but the second option was also correct.

To understand why the first and the second options are correct, I recommend you to read the table of operator precedence in Ruby.

&& operator in options 2 and 3

Using && in options 2 and 3 is a bit tricky.
redirect_to(sign_in_path) && return
In the expression above, && operator get the result of redirect_to(sign_in_path) as the left operand and return as the right operand. This expression will work correct.
redirect_to sign_in_path && return
However, without explicit brackets, && get the result of sign_in_path as the left operand and return as the right operand. The value of the return keyword is nil, so the expression above can be rewritten as:
redirect_to sign_in_path && nil
Whatever && nil will return nil, and redirect_to will be called with nil as an argument, which finally will raise an error.

ActionController::ActionControllerError in TimeOffsController#new
Cannot redirect to nil!

Option 4

There was no way to vote for the fourth option directly, but there were a few who said that all options were correct.
def show
  redirect_to sign_in_path unless current_user

  @time_off = current_user.time_offs.find(params[:id])

  render @time_off
In Rails, redirect_to does only sets correct response headers and status code, but it doesn’t stop the execution of the action. In the example above, if current_user is nil, you will face DoubleRenderError.
AbstractController::DoubleRenderError in TimeOffsController#new
Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action.


Despite the fact my post was about Ruby operator precedence, there were people who suggested that it is better to use before_action for such kind of checks. I agree. I will try to be more explicit in my future posts and will provide more context.

Nevertheless, I hope you learned something new. Stay tuned!

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