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Double splat arguments in Crystal

In Crystal, as well as in Ruby you can use double splat arguments. Unfortunately they behave a bit different.

def foo(**options)

  baz(**options, a: 1)


def baz(**options)

  puts options


foo(b: 2, a: 3) # {:b=>2, :a=>1} 

This code in Ruby works as it should. If we try the same in Crystal (, we got an error:

error in line 2

Error: duplicate key: a

This happens because **options is a NamedTuple and it cannot have duplicate keys. I found that using NamedTuple#merge can be a workaround (

def foo(**options)

  baz(**options.merge(a: 1))


def baz(**options)

  puts options


foo(b: 2, a: 3) # {:b=>2, :a=>1} 


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