Form_for and Rails attributes API
Attributes API allows you to have complex object with specified structure in fields. But how to make forms with this fields?
The answer is pretty simple: you work with them like with nested attributes.
Let’s say, we have class Provider with attribute address.
class Provider < ApplicationRecord
attribute :address,, default:
Address has following attributes:
class Provider::Address
extend Dry::Initializer
option :country, optional: true
option :zip, optional: true
option :city, optional: true
option :address, optional: true
Form will look like this:
= form_for resource_provider, provider_url do |f|
= f.fields_for :address do |ff|
= ff.label 'Country'
= ff.text_field :country, value:
= ff.label 'Zip'
= ff.text_field :zip, value:
= ff.label 'City'
= ff.text_field :city, value:
= ff.label 'Address'
= ff.text_field :address, value: @provider.billing_address.address
In controller you have to permit parameters:
def provider_params
params.require(:provider).permit(address: [:city, :zip, :country, :address])
And that’s all. Now, in action method you can assign attributes like this:
resource_provider.attributes = provider_params
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